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Meet the first billboard for Mars

Built with interlocking joints and counter tension it can be assembled by a robot. And it’s carved out of hard anodized aluminium 6082T6 to survive life on the Martian surface – the same techniques NASA use to build the wheels on the Curiosity Rover. Now we just need to get it there.

Buy the Mars Billboard. POA

If you think you might be able to help us get our Mars Billboard to Mars at some point in the next few decades, do let us know. Alternatively, if you’d like to buy your very own Mars Billboard for your earth-bound office, garden, or even the roof of your house, you can chat to us at

It can be assembled by a robot

45cm high, 65cm long, and 5cm deep, we’ve made the Mars Billboard as rocket-friendly and Mars-friendly as possible. Designed to be assembled by a clever robot – or an even smarter human – the billboard is made up of 11 individual pieces which assemble and lock into place with an ancient Japanese joinery technique called tsugite (tsoo-gee-teh).

Built with interlocking joints and counter tension

Between the 12th and 19th century tsugite became a pillar of Japanese architecture as nationwide iron shortages forced architects to develop a stunningly creative alternative to metal nails. Instead of screws, nails, welding or glue, tsugite relies solely on interlocking joints and counter tension to produce astonishingly strong structures.

The V is the last piece of the jigsaw

Once you’ve put the first 10 pieces of the billboard together, our 3 dimensional Vollebak V logo is the last piece in the jigsaw that locks the entire billboard in place.

Built with corrosion resistant metal

The Mars Billboard is created with aluminium 6082T6, a corrosion resistant metal often used for high stress engineering applications on Earth, like bridges and cranes.

Why corrosion resistance matters on Mars

Interactions with atmospheric gases, radiation, clay, and even possible liquid transient salt water on Mars, all pose a risk to the longevity and structural integrity of metal spacecraft components. So when NASA select materials to build the Mars Rovers, they're looking for corrosion resistance to stop their components degrading.

Hard anodized just like the Curiosity Rover’s wheels

The entire surface of the Mars Billboard is hard anodized to increase its corrosion resistance. Anodization thickens the natural oxide layer on the surface of a metal, creating a strong barrier against the electrochemical reactions which can cause corrosion. And it’s why the wheels on Curiosity Rover were hard anodized before it left Earth for Mars.

Cut with a 5 axis CNC for precision

All 11 pieces of the Mars Billboard are cut out of an aluminium block by a 5 axis CNC (Computer Numerical Control) milling machine. While most CNC milling machines operate with 3 axes, a 5 axis machine is capable of creating more intricate and precise designs as it can cut from a wider range of angles. This allows us to reach the incredibly high level of precision needed to create tsugite joints.

It comes with its own custom flight case

The simplicity of the tsugite method means that the billboard can be disassembled and packed up, either for terrestrial or interplanetary transportation. So we’ve built a custom flight case for the billboard to travel in.

Laser cut stainless steel feet

The billboard is designed to grip into the Martian soil with two claw-like feet made from corrosion resistant stainless steel. Each foot is constructed with fourteen 3mm laser cut pieces, and they attach securely to the billboard with a twist and lock mechanism.

The full technical specifications

The material composition of the Mars Billboard is 100% aluminium 6082T6 that’s been hard anodized for corrosion resistance. It’s 65cm long, 45cm high and 5cm deep and weighs 27.55kg. It’s made from 11 interlocking pieces milled with a 5 axis CNC machine. And it comes in its own custom flight case weighing 22.05kg.