Our Equator range is built for extreme heat
Life at the equator offers us a glimpse of our future – a world of non-stop sun, heat, humidity and rainstorms. Home to some of the hottest and most humid places on the planet, it carves through dense tropical jungles, warm seas, and crowded cities. Instead of seasons or temperature changes you’re more likely to be hit by a wall of heat. But as global temperatures rise and climate zones shift, designing clothing for the equator is like designing for our future.
Our Waterfallproof range combats extreme storms and rainfall
With extreme weather events, storms and floods becoming the new normal, ‘waterproof’ is no longer enough. Describing it as raining doesn’t quite cut it when you see houses and cars floating down the road. So our Waterfallproof gear is designed to combat the megastorms of the future, where crazily intense rainfall and snowstorms become the norm.
Our 100 Year gear is designed to withstand fires
As wildfires sweep across countries around the world, our 100 Year gear is designed to protect you. Made from materials with properties that normal clothes simply don’t have, our hoodies, pants and sweatshirts can not only withstand fire, but also temperatures 4x hotter than the sun.